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MSI Properties for SEAL APW Client


SEALAPW_SERVER_URL specifies the URL to the PLOSSYS 4 or PLOSSYS 5 server.

Available values: string

  • https://<plossys_server:8085>

Default: ""


SEALAPW_SHORTCUT_DESKTOP creates a desktop icon.

Available values: string

  • 1

    A desktop icon is created.

  • ""

    No desktop icon is created.

Default: ""


SEALAPW_SHORTCUT_PROGRAMMENU creates program menu icons.

Available values: string

  • 1

    Program menu icons are created.

  • ""

    No program menu icons are created.

Default: 1


SEALAPW_START_VIA_REGISTRY specifies whether SEAL Add Printer Wizard is automatically started when a user logs on to Windows.

Available values: string

  • 1

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is started automatically.

  • ``

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard has to be started manually.

Default: 1

Note: If SEAL Add Printer Wizard does not start automatically, use SEALAPW_START_VIA_REGISTRY_ON=.


SEALAPW_START_VIA_REGISTRY_MODE specifies the mode in which SEAL Add Printer Wizard is automatically started when a user logs on to Windows.

Available values: string

  • tray

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is started automatically.

  • synctray

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is started automatically and synchronizes the printers with the user's printer list from the database.

  • cleansynctray

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is started automatically, removes all printers and then synchronizes the printers with the user's printer list from the database.

Default: tray


SEALAPW_USERS specifies the user for whom SEAL Add Printer Wizard is installed.

Available values: string

  • cur

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is installed for the currently logged on user only.

  • all

    SEAL Add Printer Wizard is installed for all users.

Default: all

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