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Deactivating the Share Access

You can update drivers and change the configurations settings of drivers by providing the files on a share.

In some cases you might whish to prevent installed drivers or their setting from being updated. In this case you can use Windows registry keys to prohibit the share access.

Deactivating Driver Updates

  1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

  2. Find the following section:

  3. Add the following key, if necessary:

  4. Set the value of the preventDriverInstall key to 1.

Deactivating Settings Updates

  1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.

  2. Find the following section:

  3. Add the following key, if necessary:

  4. Set the value of the preventSettingsInstall key to 1.

Effects of the Different Settings

preventDriverInstall preventSettingsInstall Description
0 0 Default behavior: Drivers and configuration settings from share are installed.
0 1 Drivers from share are installed, the configuration setting are NOT installed and the default setting are used instead.
1 0 Drivers from share are NOT installed. If the driver already exists on the client, the configuration settings from share are installed.
If the driver is not yet existing on the client, the configuration setting from share are ignored, too. You will receive an error message, because of an unknown driver.
1 1 Drivers and configuration settings from share are NOT installed. If the driver already exists on the client, the default settings are used.
CAUTION: Configuration changes are still made, as long as no share acces is necessary!
If the driver is not yet existing on the client, you will receive an error message. No changes are made.

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