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SEAL APW Client 4.0.1

New Features

  • With the SEALAPW_START_VIA_REGISTRY_MODE=synctray setting, SEAL APW is started whenever the user logs on and his printers are re-created. (APWC-38)

  • With the SEALAPW_START_VIA_REGISTRY_MODE=cleansynctray setting, SEAL APW is started whenever the user logs on and his printers are deleted and re-created. (APWC-36)

  • If you add printers via command line, you can use the additional option -retry to limit the mumber of retries to do so.

    sealapw.exe -queue <queue name> -retry <no of retries>

    • -retry 0 means no retry.
    • -retry -1 means unlimited retries, which is default, if the option is not specified. (APWC-61)

Bug Fixes

  • SEAL APW uses send2pls (APWC-34)

  • If a user logs on to a different workstation, the printers are synchronized using the -cleansynctray and -deleteall options in order that the same printers are available to the user on all workstations. (APWC-35)

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